Saturday, May 3, 2014

And unto us a Carport / Shed appeared

A man needs a shed, and a truck needs some cover, or so I am told....

Graham gave great thought on where to position a carport/shed as well as what shape, colours and materials would blend in best with the environment and view and still be functional.

View before construction

And from the table, where we spend so much time

the slab goes in

The frame takes shape

Frame from above

 At times to me the structure looked huge, but when I thought about parking the truck beside the boat... it seemed it might be a bit tight.

The roof skeleton appears

Our jolly workmen, at work.

The roof gets filled in
The fellows putting up the shed, from Rainbow Building were great! 

Whew, all done, and still happy with the view

Protection from the elements, and yes there is room enough, even I can park

And a work shop for Graham