He walks up to the couch, puts his head on it and looks out the side of his eyes at us to see if it's OK. (However he has no issues hopping up if no one is around, but only if the blanket is on it. Even he has rules)
Since Winnie has come to visit, Elwood has worked through his jealousy issues, and now doesn't worry about Winnie in our affections. Well, most of the time. He even lets her up on our bed which has been his very special treat. He's only allowed up on our bed to say good morning to whomever hasn't gotten out of bed yet, or if we have a weekend read and coffee. He greats the bed occupier with GREAT enthusiasm. Let me just say 37 kilos of excited dog is a real wake up call.
Elwood and Winnie have come a long way. They've gone from sitting at opposite sides of the room, to hanging out, last week.
(I've removed the photo of Graham reading with the dogs. - He's shy)
This week they progressed again, and now they even touch when they snooze! Life is good.