Please excuse the spacing of images - I'm struggling....
OMG - what a handsome highlander!! |
Adelaide Trip
Hello all, We arrived here in a flurry of anticipation. the Girls (Jasmine, Jayden a very mature and newly turned 14 Ilea) and Glenn came to the cabin for coffee/drinks and cake.
We were all effervescent with anticipation of the wedding and the Glover announcement, and the time seemed to fly from the moment we hit the ground.
Wednesday we had a leisurely breakfast on the beach with Ilea & Glenn. Lindsay and I managed to get lost driving to the local mall and laughed our heads off all day. We (Graham, Ron, Lindsay and I) walked along "our" beach (Moana beach) and had dinner at our place.
Thursday we took a day off and had a little road trip - just us 4. We drove to Second Valley, Victor Harbour with a stop at the Port Elliott Bakery to test the pasties, getting back in time for a big multi family BBQ at Ilea Glenn's where we gathered with the other half of the Canadian Contingency (Ilea's Mom's side) and the Gunn tribe. Graham presented them with his painting of the beach they were to be married on Maslin Beach
Artist and Bride share a drink |
and Ron and Lindsay presented them with a fabulous silver and gold platter in a Canadian First Nations design. (sorry due to the incredible shininess we didn't' get a photo)
It was a noisy and fun BBQ, great to catch up - but we left early as Ilea and Glenn were clearly pooped.
Friday we met Jude & Lee (Graham's sister and brother in law) and Glenn for another leisurely breakfast at the beach. We split up and our little group went to visit nephew Stefan and see his lovely chocolate lab pup Max, then into Glenelg to trial the "best paste in Australia” rating a 9 out of 10 on the Graham scale - then raced back for Lindsay and I to do some pre wedding female primping with the gals to ensure we would all looked stunning. Sticky with fresh spray tans, and cautioined to wear only loose clothes for the next 6 hours, Lindsay and I arrived at Jude & Lee's for a dinner party in our especially purchased loose pajamas. I think we may have started a fashion trend.
It was lovely to catch up with Lynn (Lee's sister) before she headed back to England. We were together at Jude & Lee's when we got the call from Rose to let us know the winner of the Glover Prize was an artist called Pople. Well there's no telling what some people think is great, however, we celebrated Graham's success in having his painting make it into the finalists all of us enjoying his success and his moment. Graham and I will head back to Evandale in Tassie on Monday for a look at the Exhibition.
Waiting for lashes glue to set |
WEDDING - The wedding day dawned and we were off. Lindsay and I to primp with the gals / Graham and Ron off to breakfast with the Groom and his party. The make up & hair was done, and eyelashes attached in time for Graham's arrival and Lindsay and I were ushered out, as the wedding party got ready.
Girls - GET READY!! |
Lindsay & Julie are READY |
Ron, Lindsay and I (once we finished our own beautification) headed to Maslin beach which
was beautifully set up with over sized Umbrellas, and a few chairs and carpeting.
"The Mums" (Glenn's Mom Vicki, Ilea's Mom Madeline, and I) took up our positions at the base of the steps to the beach, to welcome the guests and hand out pebbles for the "Pebble Ceremony" following their exchange of vows.
Pebble duty |
Pebble Ceremony Education |
Glenn and his fellows had done a lovely job on the beach. They were waiting anxiously for the event to start. Glenn was READY!
Glenn's READY!! |
Guests arrived, explanations were given re ‘holding the pebbles and transferring good wishes for the bridal couple during the ceremony, later to be tossed into the ocean in a separate ceremony”, young men admonished they were not to be thrown at the groom, pebbles passed out, then it was time for all to turn and look up at the staircase for the bridal party had arrived.
Here Comes the bride |
The bridesmaids glided down the stairway, looking lovely in flowing ivory gowns, a gentle breeze keeping us all cool as we waited a few moments more. A combined sigh filled the air as a handsome highlander (my Graham) and radiantly beautiful and very elegant bride Ilea (looking like a cross between Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly in a stunning white and grey tulle gown) paused for a quiet word between themselves at the top of the steps, then Graham escorted her slowly down to her waiting groom. Tears could be seen glistening at the edges of many eyes. Yes mine too.
Time to give the bride away, I can only imagine how hard that must be for a father. I don't know why there aren't more guns and growls involved in this part of the ceremony.
How can I possibly let go??? |
Heavy sigh.... OK |
Beautiful girls Jasmine, Krystal, Sara & Bride Ilea |
The ceremony was beautiful, vows written by them (typical to their style, they had written in a little humour in each of their vows) and before we knew it, they were married. The ceremony was topped off with the arrival of a piper (our surprise to them) who piped during the pebble ceremony and beach photo sessions. It was magic. More story after some candid photos at the beach...
Everyone |
Bridal Party |
Ilea and Cousin Lindsay |
Of course Us |
Us again - handsome Highlander eh? |
Yet again - Oooch |
We had a small break before the reception at the Tapestry winery, in McLarenvale. It was a lovely venue nestled amongst in the vines with servers quietly gliding through the guests, presenting a selection of finger food nibbles all night. Heartfelt speeches were made, dances had, and everyone enjoyed celebrating their special day
Me, Beautiful Granddaughter Jayden and Graham in Behind |
Lindsay, Me, Graham |
Look, Fascinators left for us at each table - I'm sure they are... |
OK, Interesting and Quaint Australian Custom... I'll do it. What's a fascinator?? |
My cousin Lindsay, Ilea, Me (Julie), Graham's sister Jude |
Lindsay, Jude, Graham's Mom Helen, Graham's sisters Carolyn & Kath |
Lindsay,Julie, Daughter Jasmine, Graham, Graham's sister's Jude, Carolyn |
My lovely cousin-in-law Ron and Ilea |
Sharing stories about families - Ahhhh so much makes sense now... Ron, Lindsay & our Niece Melissa |
Glenn & Ilea - the beginning of their new life together. |
Sunday was obviously, a wind down day, very low key - Ilea and Glenn spent a lazy lunch with Glenn's family, then came over to our place for a bbq at our beach cabin with Jas & Jayden.
Packing it up for the Exhibition |
Trip to view the GLOVER Exhibition. Monday Ron and Lindsay enjoyed their day without us - spending it on the beach, while Graham and I made our mad dash back to Evendale in Tassie to attend the Glover Award Exhibition. We arrived in Evandale around 1:45, and sauntered down the main drag to the Gallery.
Graham & Mr Glover |
Cake-able offence |
It was an interesting moment for him. There was a tremendous crowd in the gallery, and we lined up to purchase my ticket to get in. We made our way around the gallery admiring the works hanging. Graham's painting was hanging amongst some great talent. I looked around the corner, and the crowd seemed to shuffle and I saw it hanging there, with a red sold dot. A happy/sad moment. The painting looked fantastic, they had hung it in the centre on it's own panel, beautifully lit. A proud moment indeed.
Graham and his painting in the Gallery - note the red sold dot. |
Taking it all in...after the crowd left. |
We enjoyed a few hours wandering around the gallery, chatting with folks. Their comments to Graham about his work were good for our souls. We chuckled when we left a café, and someone surreptitiously took Graham’s photo when prompted – there’s one of the Artists. We strolled around the town, took a last look through the gallery with Graham having a quiet moment or two just before they closed, then back to Adelaide.
Beach Princess |
SHARKS? Tuesday we decided to enjoy a beach day and relax. We bought a couple of boogie boards, and a sunshade tent and drove onto the beach. (They do that here). We frolicked in the water on the boogie boards, then relaxed on the beach for a while listening to the waves. Lindsay and I went for another cooling dip, when I spotted something farther out just off from a boat. We paused in water to our knees, and Lindsay moved closer to me as she tried to see it. We waded in a little more, then she saw it. She slid up to me resting her hands on my shoulders as we identified fins sticking out of the water... coming a little closer. I relaxed as I saw 2 fins, and assured her they would be dolphins. Sharks have pointy fins, and wouldn't swim together like that. (I was fairly sure) Hmmmm I thought, had she been poised to push me in and thrash her way through the water to safety? She just laughed when I asked the question. A lot…… During our afternoon at the beach, we'd noticed a plane circling above us, and had heard fire truck sirens…. Or did we????
READY for F.U.N. |
When we arrived back at the cabin, we heard the fire sirens again, and our neighbour informed us they were SHARK ALERT sirens being played from the CIRCLING SHARK SPOTTING PLANE - not fire trucks. We jumped in the car with cameras in hand and drove to the Esplanade just in time to see a truck with flashing lights driving up the beach broadcasting - GET OUT OF THE WATER NOW - THERE HAS BEEN A SHARK SIGHTING. Hmmmm….. I wondered, was it really Dolphins I’d seen earlier??
We had a little BBQ at Ilea and Glenn's that evening, sharing the adventures of the last couple of days, then an early night.
TATTOO's We had planned to go snorkelling on Wednesday, but due to a mass sleep in until 9:30, yesterday's shark sighting and a turn in the weather, we met Ilea and Glenn for yet another breakfast on the beach, and somehow the conversation turned to Tattoos. Challenges went out and were met, and we all piled into cars and headed to the McLarenvale to the Tattoo Kings tattoo parlour.
At this point we moved into wind down mode for this section of the holiday - there's never enough time to see everyone you want to, or do everything but I suppose that's what keeps you coming back, and how you entice folks to come and visit you. Thursday was laundry and packing, a leisurely tappa's lunch at Jude & Lee's with the girls and Glenn. We went for Chinese food with the kids, and Glenn’s mom Vicki & brother Scott, then watched (and heckled) Glenn’s game of indoor cricket. We left early as we were clearly affecting his game, but he looked great to us!
Friday – the first day of our next adventure….. ROAD TRIP